
Costs reduced by pre-packing on the farm

The vegetables grown by Arenosa, the farm owned by Jan and Sam van Geffen, can be prepacked on site in flowpack or sealed on trays.

Since Jan en Sam van Geffen invested in pre-packing facilities on their farm they have seen a steady rise in sales of pre-packed vegetables. Customers welcome the possibility to receive their black salsify, parsnips, parsely root (also known as hamburg parsley) or jerusalem artichoke prepacked in flowpack or on trays ready to go on the shelves of the supermarket or shop. From October all these products are available. Most of these products are available until the end of April, either in bulk (5 and 10 kg netbags in carboard bin) or pre-packed.

In the link the film showing how the parsnips are graded for prepacking in 500 or 375 grams;

schorseneren, pastinaak, aardpeer flowpack en op schaal schorseneren flowpack